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Sine Wave Oscillator With Transistor

sine wave oscilator with transistor

Pictured above is a schematic of a sine wave oscillator circuit using a transistor. We use Phase Shifter Oscillator Principal as a basic of circuit. Transistor Q1 is the sine wave generator and transistor Q2 is the buffer. Unfortunately the circuit can be used effectively only for audio frequencies i think. I have succesfully generated 100Hz, 1KHz and 10KHz from circuit above but i have unsuccesfully to generate 19KHz frequency.

There is the part list of the circuit :

Part Number Value
100Hz 1KHz 10KHz
R1 1M 1M 1M
R2 2K7 2K7 2K7
R3, R4 18K 18K 3K9
R5 22K 22K 22K
R6 (VR) 47K 47K 47K
R7 120K 120K 120K
R8 1K 1K 1K
C1, C2, C3 39nF 3n9 1nF
C4, C5, C6 10uF 10uF 10uF
Q1, Q2 C945 C945 C945

How It Works ?

The first pulse at the collector of Q1 when the first transistor turn-on in the feedback to the base transistor through the series of phase shifter C1, C2, C3, R3 and R4. The results received pulse phase in base being turned 180 degrees. This signal then amplified by the transistor and feed back again continuously so there create oscillation process. In the part list we can see that the value of C1, C2, C3, R3 and R4 is different when we set the output 100Hz, 1KHz and 10KHz.

Because output of Q1 is litle enough, so we need a buffer circuit that given by Q2. And then we also put some level adjustment that doing by R6 (variable resistor) to set the output level of oscilator. The maximum level is between 2.5 volt to 3.5volt, according fo the working frequency of the oscillator.

Error during my practice

When i try the circuit i found that different type of C945 transistor can make waveform of sine wave not perfect, it's look skewed to the left or to the right. To correct this error, i modify the base bias circuit to get to value half of vcc at the collector Q1. I hope it my help.

Download Schematic File

I made a circuit with DipTrace which can be downloaded from this link.

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