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Single Supply Power Amplifier TDA2030

We know that IC TDA2030 is a multi purpose power amplifier. We can use as mono by use one IC TDA2030 or stereo system by using two IC TDA2030. On the schematic above, we can see the circuit of mono TDA2030 power amplifier with single supply.

How It Works ?

The working principal of TDA2030 is same as traditional op-amp. If we want use it on a single supply application, we must provide bias a half of VCC to the non-inverting input. The bias circuit formed by devide circuit of R1 and R3 and given to the non inverting input by R2. To avoid humming and good grounding, we use C1 as a filter.

Gain of the amplifier is determined of (R5 / R6) +1. Just like calculate normal non inverting op-amp. With this formula we can calculate gain of the circuit above is 32.9 X.

Diodes D1 and D2 serves as a safety that cut more voltage appearing at the output of the IC ( pin 4 ) . Capacitors C7 and C8 serves as a filter function removes the voltage where C8 and C7 low frequency ripple to eliminate the high frequency ripple . While R7 and C4 function remove high frequency noise that sounds more clear and not moduah oscillations due to feedback .

To avoid DC input pass to pin 3 and affect the bias of IC TDA2030, we stop by put C2 in the input line. And R2 we use to bypass input when circuit is floating.

PCB Layout

This the sample of PCB layout of Single Supply Power Amplifier TDA2030

Download schematic file

I made a schematic of the circuit with DipTrace which can be downloaded from this link.

Download PCB file

I also made a PCB circuit with DipTrace which can be downloaded from this link.

Note of the circuit :
I think it was a mistake from Diptrace library that pin 1 should be in+ and pin 2 should be in-.

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